Monday, 13 May 2013

Term 1

The best thing that happend in term 1 was .....

  • Joining stage challenge
  • Meeting my class k1
  • Meeting miss Avery
  •  Going to lake Rotoma for camp


  1. HELLO!

    You finally have a post on your blog now it is so cool i reckon it's gonna look fantastic when it's finished keep it up

  2. I liked it how you put in everything you did last term in and its really cool to read.

    Will you put a bit more on it next time you put a post up about your term?

  3. That sounds very amazing about what you did last term like joining stage challenge and the others, It was awesome when we went to camp,
    Was there other amazing things that also happened last year?

  4. Hi Marcela.

    That was a really good post because it was short and simple and easy to read.
    I liked it how you put "Meeting my class k1" because everytime someone reads this blog they no theres someone nice in k1 which helps k1 stand out as a good class.
    I can't wait to see you and the rest of the stage challange crew dance if use do in front of the school!
